McDonald Theology
Recently, I was standing around in the lobby of a McDonalds waiting for my food to get done. I typically try to avoid the greasy aroma of oil drenched fries, but on this particular day, I had an urge for a cheap McChicken sandwich and so I went in. As I stood there, I overhead someone behind me talking to another person. They were telling the other person the salvation story. And they were doing it in a way that was natural, listening to the other person, hearing what they had to say, and then responding. I began to pray that God would use the encounter to bring someone to himself and continued to pray. When I realized that my number had been called (Probably several times) I quickly grabbed my food and moved past the people that were engaged in the salvific conversation to the almighty diet coke machine (most people just call it a fountain drink machine). I continued my conversation with God and continued to pray for this man's salvation. I sat down and at my McChicken sandwich and contemplated on the spiritual reality of our American churches today. Here are some of my contemplations. Some are not so deep. Some are often talked about. Others are untested.
The American church is alot like me and going to McDonalds that day when it comes to evangelism. We have a deep desire to see evangelism take place and we have a deep desire to see people come to Christ, but the reality is, when we are in the situation, we are more than happy to sit back and let someone else do it. This is obvious by the amount of money that we send different places, but the lack of people that GO! There are several students that I have worked with the last couple few years that are going, but what if we just said from an early age in Christ that we would go, whether across the street or to Africa, we would go? Instead, we get caught up in getting our Chicken sandwich and Diet Coke that our world offers us. We focus on getting to college, getting a "good" job, marrying well, and beginning a family...And reality is, we compartimentalize that thing that we call "faith" in Christ Jesus.
I love when students come into my office and they say, "I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life and I don't know where I want to go to college." And maybe it's a fault of mine, but my counsel to them has been, "Serve hard somewhere after high school. Seek God's face. and then Go to college when you know what he wants you to do!"
This is semi countercultural and maybe out to lunch, but I truly believe that this generation has an intense desire to serve and seek God...And just giving them permission to do that is all that they need to connect the dots of faith!
Father, check my motives. Let me live for you and not for a chicken sandwich. Amen.