Sunday, July 6, 2008

Lord reign in me.

Starfield did a song this last week at Challenge that was inspiring to me...But it was also difficult for me to sing it. They sang a song called "Reign in Us." Some of the lyrics are "come purify our hearts, we need your touch. Come cleanse us like a flood and send us so the world may know you reign in us."

When I think of someone reigning, I often think of a king over a kingdom. When I heard this song, I couldn't help but picture myself as God's kingdom. But a Kingdom is completely under the rule of the king. So often, I am not under the control of the king. I am under the control of myself, the imposter. I want to do things on my own. God is the king of my life and I truly do want him to reign in me.

We are back from Challenge 2008. It was a great week of connecting deeply with God and connecting with others on the trip. It was exciting to be part of a group that went out one way and came back completely different. God worked in students' lives and adults lives'. He worked in my heart and mind and life. It was truly a Challenge to be remembered.

Lord, reign in me.



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