Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New BlogSite.

I have moved! I have been blogging at this site for 1.5 years and have thoroughly enjoyed it but now have been talked into starting a "wordpress" blog. Should be good and interesting. Click HERE to go there!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The God of the Old Testament, The God of the New Testament.

As I have studied for this week of AFW asking the question, "Is God the same in the Old Testament and the New Testament," I have had a few suprises that have been really good for me to have.

I look forward to talking about this question on Wednesday night with students. We finish our "Theology: Prayerfully Considering "Who is God?"" series this week. My hope is that our view of God is huge after this as we approach our evangelism series.

God, may you be glorified and lifted high in Wichita in the next several months!