In the Common Unity...
What does it truly mean to live in biblical community? As I think about the book of Acts, I don't think about it as the "model" church. Certainly, there were characteristics that were very Christ like but there were things in the body of believers throughout Acts that were sinful and handled as such. Today we use these particlular circumstances in our church discipline which is healthy and biblical.
But I often wonder what it means to live in biblical community together. Greg Smith said that "Biblical Community is unity around being a follower of Jesus Christ!" So this definition begs the question..."What is UNITY?" We understand what it means to gather around being followers of Christ because we are inundated with this phrase but what does it mean to live in Unity? I believe that unity to outsiders may actually look a bit like disunity. How can I say that? I believe that true biblical Unity requires us to be completely honest with each other and if we are completely honest with each other, things get quite messy! If I tell you that I am struggling with a deep sin and wound that is haunting me, I will often get judged in fake community, but in biblical community I will be held accountable for the issue that I am dealing with. If I don't change my ways and move more towards Christlikeness, my brothers and sisters in Christ will be forced to act in discipline. Discipline is an act of love and kindness and is required sometimes to bring people back to the body of Christ in a truly reconciliatory way. There is authenticity in true community. People are drawn to authenticity because they are so engaged in a world and a culture that is fake all the time! We are drawn to commercials, advertising, and movies that are surreal and don't reflect reality in a cohesive way. People want relationships where they can be in true and authentic conversations that are meaningful!
God, Am I willing to be a part of the biblical community that you call us to be in? Am I willing to be like Jesus and sit among the mess and the junk and address it head on? God, don't let me be like the pharisees that judged others in their inauthenticity. You desire reality and truth, and help me to desire the same.