What motivates YOU?
I have been reading a book called "Soul Searching." This book has been rocking my boat for some time now. I remember reading it in college and thinking that it simply wasn't the students that I worked with. The book suggests that students today are incredibly moral. They want to do the right thing. But, the reality is that they do this not because they are motivated to serve their Lord and Savior, but rather they are moral because being moral gets them farther in the American Dream.
The authors call this the creation of Theuraputic Moral Deism. According to the book, most American teens acknowledge that a God exists. In fact, most of them say that they even "Believe" in God. Most even go so far as to say that they "follow" or "listen" to God. The grim reality (According to the study) is that these students are not motivated by this belief in God. This belief in God doesn't resonate with any part of their lives, in fact they have this belief in God becuase it furthers their gain as citizens. Hmm. Is that the right motivation?
So as I read this book, I couldn't help but wonder if students that I work with are like this...I couldn't help but disagree a little bit, thinking that this is probably some sort of national average and that it would simply be different in the context that I find myself in.
And then I took a poll. And that is dangerous. Because we find out what people are like when we ask them anonymously. And students answered anonymously. The findings from this poll were revealing. My best conclusions basically say that publicly, our students are very moral. When they are around other people, they behave like a Christ follower. They know how to do this. But privately, there is a bit more of an undertone of not following Christ. They are not motivated by the fact that they follow Christ, rather they are motivated by people telling them how to behave.
Here's the danger in what I have discovered. We want to graduate students that head off to college understanding, comprehending, and able to defend their faith and their theology and yet, sometimes I think that it is a job well done if they are moral kids when they leave here. These are the kids that are leaving their "faith" in the dust. These are the moral kids that will survive well in the world that we are sending them to, but they will not be spiritually healthy.
So, what do I do with all of this? Psalm 127:1 points out that unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor in vain! I am going to pray and pray hard.