Thursday, January 22, 2009

Evil and God coexisting?

We had our AFW last night and looked at how evil and God can coexist. We looked at some philosophical issues that make this question hard and looked at Jeremiah 32 in light of who God is said to be in scripture. I had a student that emailed me this morning and had some interesting insight into this question. I thought it was good. Read below.

A Student's Take on this Question
"As we discussed in small groups tonight, I thought of an interesting concept. I concluded that it doesn't really matter if you understand God's omnipotence because when there is unlimited control of something, the only thing that matters is who God is, not what he's capable. The miracle is that even though he can create anything, any universe (not just the kind where there is 3 dimensional space time, gravity etc.) the only that matters is that he takes pleasure in guiding us and watching us live our lives and Him being a part of it.
Imagine you have control of a block. That is someone's universe. To them that block is everything, all their universe, stars, planets, people, everything. To you, it's insignificant because you can build more blocks, add to it, melt it, malform it, transform it. You can do anything to it with you mind. Now someone in that block can only manipulate certain things, like maybe temperature or pressure. You can introduce anything to it. Does it really matter to the people in the block what you can do? They most likely can't even perceive anything of new rules such as gravity (assuming they don't have it) , let alone anything outside of their own block. So does your kind of power over the block matter to them, or what you choose to do with it/them. And that comes down to your character.
So it really doesn't matter if we understand God's power, it only God's character matters, and the neat fact that he cares so much to us that he changes the atoms in our block, so to speak, because he cares for us and loves us instead of building or changing blocks (or anything, squares, rectangular prisms, tesseracts) in another."


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