Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I prayed for the Election...Now what?

The election came and went yesterday. I turned in my ballot early this time and got to sit back and watch as the results unfolded. Surprisingly, the media was right on this one as they predicted that Obama would would win. And he did. I also realized that there are literally hundreds of races that affect our country for the next several years through this process. I focus so much on the presidential election that I sometimes don't remember the other parts of what we are voting for.

I think alot about prayer for my country, for my government, for government officials, and for our troops. When I think about praying, I do. In this election there were lots of folks that were praying for Obama to win and there were alot of people that were praying for McCain to win. It's a good thing God is not a people pleaser or there would be so much more madness on a Tuesday night in November every 4 years (Can you imagine? God looking at the other two parts of the Trinity and saying "What should I do?" :) ). God is soveriegn. I have said since the beginning of the candidating process that it's a good thing that HE, my Savior, is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that he appoints government officials to the spots that he has them in.

Did the candidate that I voted for win? Some of them did and some of them didn't. But the reality is, I won't stop thinking about prayer for these folks or praying for these people because their is a need for our God to speak truth into the hearts and lives of our government officials. And there is a support that I can give them whether or not I agree with the politics at hand. There are parts of the future administration that I will disagree with wholeheartedly and I will still pray that God would reveal truth, that God would protect our government officials, that he would guide and direct our nation and that he would prove his soveriegnty over and over again!

One of my good friends wrote a note that talked about the phrase "God Bless America" and really said that if we were to really think about that statement than those of us that follow Jesus Christ might even say "God bless our World." Am I praying for my government and for governments that mine interacts with? Am I praying for countries that obviously have major issues (as mine does) and am I praying for people to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? Sometimes, my small mind doesn't think that big. :)

So, now that the election is over, many of us will say that we are done spending intentional time in prayer for the election. Of course we will, the election is over. But how about we start the more important process (and more longterm) of praying for those that are in office forced to make decisions that directly or indirectly affect the American people and the world each and every day? I'm done. And I'm glad that November 4th is over (Now I can stop watching people bash each other during TV commercials on Monday night football.) And I know that I will be praying hard as we continue into the future.


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