Good job Millenials!
I was so worried that my age group wouldn't show up. And early yesterday, exit polls were saying that they would not show up. But they did...They just came out int he evening. :) (It just shows that the day starts a little later for this generation.
Here is an excerpt from an article that says that millenials are interested, they ARE involved, and they ARE thinking about things such as politics and their country. Cool stuff. This was posted back in September.
This generation's self-confidence and orientation toward the group and the broader society has important political implications. Recent polling data from USAToday/CNN demonstrate that Millennials are paying close attention to the 2008 election and have every intention of voting, at numbers rivaling those of older voters. Their survey of more than 900 young Americans, taken Sept. 18-28 found that:
• 75 % of Millennials are registered to vote
• 73% plan to vote
• 64% have given "quite a lot" of thought to the election
Oh woe's me! there is more to being a good citizen than actually voting. Being an informed and reasoned voter is also important. Not sure this level has been attained by this group yet. But, that could just be my sour grapes making good whines. :-0
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