The Problem of Pain
God is All good. God is All knowing. God is All powerful. If I make these assumptions, which are not really assumptions but are based on the word of God which is complete truth, then I must wrestle with a question that many atheists will ask...Why then, is there pain in the world that we live in? Either God is not All powerful and cannot take care of pain, or God is not All good and can stand evil. That's the argument. And yet, I wonder if that is the only way of explaining this problem of pain.
I think I have it deeply engrained in me that bad things happen, not because of who God is, but because of who I am. That's not to say that all of the bad things that happen in this world happen because of ME but they do happen because of who humanity is. God didn't create me as a robot. He didn't create me so that he could micromanage me. In fact, he created me to make a choice whether or not I wanted a relationship with my creator. In Genesis 1, we find this incredible creation account where God breathes life into humanity. Then humanity chooses against the relationship that the God of the universe was offering. And after that, everything is messed up. It's not because of who God is that evil is the world, that pain owns us, that we are messed up inept people. It's because of the sinful nature that I am born with. Sin taints everything. It messes everything up. Not just my own life, but everything around me.
God cannot stand sin. He cannot tolerate it. But he is also not a micromanager. He could be. Has the power to be. But he has offered a process in which the relationship with him can be restored and mended and this is where his Son, Jesus Christ comes in. Interesting to me that Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost...Humanity...sinful messed up people...that he came to seek and save.
God ultimately will solve the problem of pain...In his time, in his way, and it will solve EVERYTHING! I look forward to that day.
Father, teach me your word as i seek to understand how you created me for a purpose and how my sinful nature desires to thwart that purpose.
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