Friday, July 13, 2007

Injustice and the face of God!

July 14, 2007 A.M.
God, thank you for your faithfulness as we sleep. You are a God that brings blessing and grace and mercy. You are also a God of justice. It is in the injustice that we sin our state of sin and fallen selves. Help us to see you for who you are in the midst of injustice. Help us to be your servants even when it seems that darkness surrounds us. Be with us today. Let us be a spotlight for your love!

As we woke up today, I was reminded of the injustice that surrounds us here in Thailand, around Thailand, in the states, in India, and in the world and I was reminded that this is not a characteristic of God. His character is that of justice, of mercy, and of grace. To see the injustice is to remember a God of justice. There is a Tomlin song that says, “Remember your people Oh God!” That we would remember God, that his name and renown would be the desire of our hearts, that his word would guide our feet and light our path, those things are important in the scheme of the big picture.

As we go through today, my prayer for students and for the adults is that we would see poverty and injustice but that we would not reduce this to facelessness but that we would add faces…People are beyond all of the numbers of injustice. God loves people, not causes…His cause was to draw people to himself. Oh that we would see others how Jesus saw them! What would the effectiveness of a servant be then!

God grant us power today. Grant us the ability to give a face to injustice and to be able to love the people that are involved. Let us see people the way that you see them and not wholesale the cause. Give us wisdom from you beyond the years that have. I give you today. Show us your power, show us your glory, show the world your glory…


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